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Monday, June 27, 2011

Dutch Wonderland

We took a relatively spur of the moment trip up to York this past weekend so we could make a side trip to Dutch Wonderland. We took Audrey last summer, but judging from her reaction to this trip, it was probably a year too early. She rode almost every ride in the place, including multiple trips on the log flume, the big water slide (with Daddy), two roller coaster rides and a boat ride, had a picnic, and capped it all off with a slurpy (purple, of course). Brennan slept for an hour or so at the park, but managed to get in a ride on the log flume beforehand. It was probably slightly negligent behavior the part of his parents, but neither of us wanted to miss the trip with Audrey, and since we consider him to be bigger than a "handheld infant", we deemed him eligible for the trip. Besides, no one tried to stop us. I can't say he was completely gung-ho about the ride, which he let us know about once or twice, but he certainly wasn't traumatized either. And we warmed him up with a ride on the cars (Mom/daughter proved too fast for father/son), so it's not like he was going in completely inexperienced.

We spent Sunday at Grandpa and Gma's hanging out at the pool. And we finally figured out the secret to a (relatively) stress free pool experience with a 3 year old...a swim vest AND water wings. The combination meant Audrey could float around with little effort, and much less worry from Mom and Dad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely adorable children.