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Monday, June 13, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Delinquent again...but at least it's been less than a month this time. Following tradition, we spent Memorial Day weekend in Ocean City. The only difference was have Brennan with us. This trip marked his first trip to the beach, which means first real experience with water, sand, etc. And it was the first trip since late last summer for the rest of us, so we were anxious to see if Audrey's opinion of the beach changed at all since last year. Short answer - no. She could spend all day running around in the water and playing in the sand, especially with Parker her partner in crime. Brennan was a bit of a different story - saying he enjoyed himself is probably a little much, but he was definitely entertained at times, a little unsure other times, and a little pissed the rest of the time. But we kept plenty of snacks on hand to keep him in good spirits. He was generally not a fan of the water, which was still pretty cold, but was a bit more fond of the sand. He even managed to keep it out of his mouth for the most part.

We also took the two of them to the boardwalk one night for some rides. Audrey got right back on the horse, so to speak, (carousel, cars, roller coaster), but as seems to be typical, Brennan was much more hesitant and wouldn't let Theresa get him out of her arms on the carousel. Pictures don't do it justice, but the death grip can be seen below. All in all it was another successful beach trip, we're glad to see Brennan at least tolerates the beach at this point, and hope he'll start to enjoy it eventually.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

OMgeee, your kids (along with cousins too) are adorable. Summer is going to be a blast around the Bardolf residence.