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Monday, January 14, 2013

Millie - Update

Millie had her 4 month appointment recently (although almost a month ago now) and got a clean bill of health. She's been rounding out pretty well, and weighed in at almost 13 1/2 lbs. She's still sleeping through the night (knocking on wood), though the hours of 6-7am are still sometimes a little hit or miss. Unlike the other kids she's pretty much gone straight to just 2 naps a day, and has taken to napping in her crib (instead of the swing, seat, etc.) pretty quickly.

She started solid foods a couple of weeks ago, and has done so well, and shown so much interest in eating, that she's eating at both lunch and dinner. Must take after her brother. So far she's a fan of pretty much everything at this point, but is especially fond of pears. Once we put away the swing we started to take full advantage of the other infant apparati we collected over the years, so she's been spending a lot of time in her exersaucer and the jumper. She was a quick learner with the jumper (also takes after her sister) and generally seems to enjoy being vertical so she can check out her surroundings. She's also working on sitting up by herself, though half the time she just ends up folded completely in half. Mostly it's so she can try to eat her feet, but we have plenty of time to work on that.

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