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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Dentist Appointment(s)

Last Thursday was Brennan's first trip to the dentist. Audrey had an appointment (her 3rd) at the same time, so she was able to lend some moral support. But as it turns out, Brennan didn't need any support whatsoever. He climbed in the chair by himself and was completely cooperative, and even got to hold the "sucker" for the hygienist. Needless to say we were a little surprised, particularly because it's only been the last 6 months or so since he's allowed us to brush his front teeth (historically, it's been like pulling teeth (pun intended) getting him to "say EEEE" for us). Of course after a kid friendly waiting area, a parting balloon and a special surprise (mustache for Brennan, sticky hand for Audrey) what's not to be happy about?! Needless to say we'll see if these attitudes continue after their first cavities.

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