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Monday, May 13, 2013

Let's Go Nats!!

We made a trip to a Nats game at the end of April prompted by Audrey's request earlier this spring. She and Brennan both decided on a game against the Reds (with the Cubs the other option there wasn't much of a choice) - her only other request was to sit "up high". It turned out to be a beautiful day, and despite an early pee incident (not Millie or Audrey) and some security concerns over our umbrella stroller, the rest of the day went off without a hitch. There was a little confusion over who were Nats and who were Reds, but they both expanded their player knowledge - Audrey with "the one with the big giant beard" (Jason Werth) and Brennan with "Pinosa" (Danny Espinosa). Both were already big fans of Bryce Harper - if you ask Brennan who won the Nats game, "Bryce Harper" will inevitably be his answer. Millie didn't do much participating, mostly looking (and some napping), but she did get her first taste of dip n' dots, which is a favorite of her older brother and sister.

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