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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Greatest Show on Earth

We spent yesterday morning taking Audrey and Brennan to their very first circus...Ringling Bros. is in town right up the street at George Mason, so we couldn't pass up the opportunity. Neither Theresa or I had been to a circus since we were kids, and it was amazing how things have changed (or at least since we remember them). In addition to the usual (tigers, elephants, trapeze-ers, etc.), there were song and dance numbers and a lot of other fanfare that we didn't remember.

Audrey really loved it - it was either the circus itself, or the face painting, soft pretzels, popcorn, lemonade, and snow cone she managed to consume before noon. Even Brennan seemed to enjoy himself, both before and after his 30 minute nap in Mommy's lap - he was particularly enamored by the cotton candy (and basically everything else he isn't allowed to have). I have no clue how a kid can fall asleep with all of that noise going on, but he didn't seem to have much of a problem. Even though neither of them will remember their first circus a few years from now, we have a couple fun pictures to show for it.

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