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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Weekend

Following tradition (for the last few years anyway), we spent part of Easter weekend at Uncle Steve's house in Bethany Beach, DE. We spent Thursday night going to Fager's Island with Grammy, Grampy, GG, Aunt Mere and cousins Kollin and Brady for dinner and to watch the sunset. The rest of the weekend was spent doing nothing in particular - playing hide and seek, hanging out at the house, painting Easter eggs - aside from an early Easter (and Grandmom's 85th bday) celebration in Ocean City, MD. Audrey had a great time hanging out with her cousins, and both she and Brennan got to spend some quality time with Riley and Channing (the dogs). Despite being at their mercy at floor level, Brennan couldn't have been less phased by either of them, and seemed eager to follow them around as much as possible.

Despite some wacky weather, we even managed to get out on the beach a couple of times. It made for Brennan's first time ever, though he only spent a few seconds in the sand before he tried to cram handfuls in his mouth. And for some reason, despite an almost uncountable number of times at the beach, Audrey also decided to spend her beach time eating sand by the seashell-full. Seriously. Like a spoon. At least it was smart of her to devise a scooping strategy.

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