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Thursday, April 28, 2011


Brennan's top two teeth sprouted a couple of weeks ago, and ever since he's been living on a steady diet of finger foods. It's made life a little easier for us (since we don't have to actively feed him at mealtimes), though we'll have to remind ourselves how to bake in some variety into the diet. We started off with just bread and noodles, but gradually expanded into more normal food (veggies, fruits, etc.) So far favorites have been mac n' cheese, spaghetti, rice, avocado, potatoes, and all kinds of meat.

He's close to having mastered his crawling, though he's still not that speedy, and it didn't take him long until he decided to use his new found ability to move to get into absolutely everything he's not supposed to, and try to pull himself up on almost everything that barely supports him. Not sure if it's the difference in gender, or the fact that it's the 2nd child, but we're much less fixated on the small bumps and bruises that we were so neurotic about when Audrey was his age. And even though it's a little nerve-wracking at times, it's definitely been fun to watch how quickly he's figured it out - at this point he's normally up in a couple of seconds. The good news is that he's pretty quickly gotten good at getting back down, and he's certainly not that graceful, he definitely gets the job done.

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