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Monday, September 12, 2011

1st Day of School

Today was Audrey's first day of preschool. She is in the "puppies" class with 13 other 3 year olds. We met her teacher, Mrs. Newell, before we went to the beach so Audrey could see her classroom and meet her before school officially started. The rest of her classmates were supposed to meet the teacher last week, and have one "abbreviated session", where two halves of the class come in for an hour so the kids can get acclimated. Thanks to the monsoon in the area last week, the abbreviated session that was scheduled for Friday was cancelled, so Audrey didn't miss a thing.

Long story short, after a little bit of sadness and hesitation, Theresa managed to reassure her enough to make the drop-off incident free (even though Theresa was right down the hall). The teacher said Audrey was a sad for a few minutes, but otherwise did well. She spent the hour painting, playing with sand in the water table, and listening to a story, so it seems there will be enough to distract her and keep her happy during class (we hope). She has one more abbreviated session on Wednesday before a full 3-hour class on Friday, so hopefully things continue to go well - only time will tell.

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