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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Recent Developments

Brennan had reached a few new achievements recently (evidence below):

1) He said his first word - Dog. It doesn't necessarily sound like dog, but it definitely is. He first said it sometime last month, and has decided to use it constantly since then. The only trouble is that everything on four legs is a dog - squirrels, horses, squirrels, etc. But he does love them. Today in the car he shouted dog for at least a full minute, just to make sure that the rest of us knew he saw two walking down the street. Most of the rest of his communication is still limited to a series of grunts/groans (i.e., Ah, Eh, Uh, etc.).

2) He started paying attention to books a little more, which makes us grateful because we've tried numerous times (though not as frequently as we did with Audrey) to read to him without much success. He typically slithers out of our laps after the first minute, or smashes our fingers trying to close it on us. He's still more content paging through them by himself than sitting on a lap listening, but he's starting to turn around.

3) He started eating with utensils. Sort of. He still ends up eating most of his mail with his hands, but he's really interested in using utensils and probably eats about 1/3 of his meal that way.

4) He developed a new interest in running - his mother describes it as "barreling forward" and it makes her incredibly nervous. But it's fun to watch him get a little more bold in his old age.

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