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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Blades of Glory

As nice as Saturday was in OCMD, Sunday was the complete opposite. Cloudy, windy, cold, and we even had a few snow showers before we left town. We've been talking about taking the kids ice skating all winter, but between other commitments and being outnumbered most days (2 on 3) we just hadn't found the time. So, we took advantage of the built-in babysitters at the beach and took Audrey and Brennan up to the Carousel hotel, where they have an indoor ice skating rink. Since neither of us have ice skated in probably 20 years or so we were a little leery about whether or not we could actually pull it off, and were prepared to spend less than a total of 10 minutes on the ice once the kids found out how hard it is.

Turns out neither of them really cared. Audrey relied on a "walker" just for kids her age, and Brennan spent the whole time basically hanging from our arms and asking us to let him fall down. So while only Mom and Dad spent time actually ice skating (Dad's skating absolutely frightening Mom), the kids did have their first experience with skates on ice. We probably don't have the next Brian Boitano or Nancy Kerrigan on our hands, but it was fun nonetheless.

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