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Thursday, March 21, 2013

St. Paddy's Day

We spent St. Paddy's Day in OCMD again this year, for the most part at Audrey's request. We wouldn't have guessed that she even remembered last year, but at the first mention of SPD last month she asked if we could go back again this year. Maybe the foggy/misty/cold day from last year left an impression on her. Despite forecasts for 70% chance of rain we decided to make the trip, and instead of rain we were rewarded with sunshine and temps close to the 60s. The kids got a spot right in front of the stage, and despite attempts to get them to watch some of the parade, didn't move for the 2-3 hours we were there except for a potty break. With Audrey's love for dressing up and Brennan's new-found fondness of corned beef, St. Paddy's Day might be a new favorite holiday. 


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