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Wednesday, October 23, 2013


There's been fairly frequent discussions at our house over the last year or so about going camping, likely due to a combination of two things: 1) our night spent in a tent in the basement during a storm last winter (in case of falling trees), and 2) numerous re-watchings of the Peppa Pig episode where her family goes camping. So, we made a plan to take Audrey and Brennan at some point this fall before it got too cold (we didn't think poor Millie would hold up well camping). And even though we were hoping for fall weather, it was more like 85-ish and hot. That didn't stop us from making a campfire, but it did keep us from sitting too close to us. And it definitely made the tent a little more cozy.

But what we did was also pretty far removed from actual camping. We cooked on a grill, and although we did sleep in a tent, our car was no more than 20 ft. away (and we brough the iPad). We also spent most of the afternoon playing mini golf, taking a train ride and getting ice cream. But we got to expose the kids to something new (although not much less comfortable than normal), and had a lot of fun doing it.

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