Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers - Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers - Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


We gave up on the Audrey soccer experiment for the time-being, starting from early September. Despite the move to an all-girl league, the amount of effort expended to participate was the same as the last two seasons. Lots of running and playing pre-game, but completely frozen once the lights get turned on. Maybe in a couple more years.

We also signed Brennan up for soccer this fall, and while he certainly participates fairly frequently, his propensity for absent-mindedness and distraction lends to a few lapses in concentration from time to time. But overall he seems to enjoy it, especially since the weather has gotten a little bit colder the last week or so (he has a tendency to overheat like his Dad).

And then there's our soccer star in the making - Millie. She's really started to fancy kicking the ball around the last few weeks, whether it's soccer balls at Brennan's practice, tennis/wiffle balls in the culdesac or even fake fruit in the basement. We'll see if that's still the case a year from now...

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